What is a root canal?
It is a procedure where the dentist removes the diseased pulp of the tooth, clean it , and fills it with medication. The purpose is to prevent possible tooth infection from spreading to the bone and to save the tooth from being extracted. Read more on our blog here…
What is a root canal retreat?
A root canal retreat is when the dentist clean out a previous treatment due to persistent infection or unsuccessful first root canal treatment. Retreatment requires more intensive time and effort but the result may worth the effort.
What Is The Use of CT Scan For Root Canal?
Did you know a CT scan for a root canal can help with better endodontic diagnostics and treatments? Today’s contemporary endodontic treatments have changed some of the traditional practices of dentistry.
The advancements of new equipment like the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) are changing how a dentist determines a patient’s condition and treatment. CT scan produces an accurate high quality detailed 3D X-ray image. The images deliver incredible features of the tooth’s structure. The x-rays consist of the surrounding tissue conditions as well as the jaw’s bone structure.
At Mason Dentistry, Dr.Phuong Tran and Dr.Jolie Chu utilize the latest in cone-beam technology to aid in performing the hard to treat cases, and in cases requiring retreatments. The doctors believe CBCT will become the future of high quality care for their patients. Call 832-777-7567 to schedule your consultation at Mason Dentistry today.
Mason Dentistry
509 Mason Rd
Katy, TX 77450